We’re excited to kick off a full year of Service Days at Furnace Town! These hands-on workdays help maintain the site, prepare for events, and complete important projects—all while offering students a chance to earn Service Learning Hours. Each Service Day runs from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, with a scheduled half-hour lunch break at noon. Lunch (hot dogs, chips, and drinks) will be provided.
March 15 – Spring Spruce Up: Prepare the site for spring by tackling landscaping, debris removal, and general cleanup projects.
While these workdays are structured for students, all volunteers are encouraged to participate. Whether you're a student, a longtime supporter, or just looking for a meaningful way to contribute, Service Days offer a chance to connect with history, meet great people, and support Furnace Town’s mission. We hope every volunteer leaves with a stronger connection to Furnace Town, knowing their contributions make a difference.